Conversations with Kids



2nd grader #1: You have a big tooth, right there. [points to canine.]

2nd grader #2: Yeah, kind of like a vampire.

Me: [trying not to smile and expose my large tooth.]

2nd grader #3: It’s just her culture, guys.

Me: What?

2nd grader #3: It’s just your culture.  You can’t help it.

2nd grader #1: I hope I have big teeth when I get older.



2nd grader [excitedly]: Hey, you have hairy arms like me!

Me: Mine are hairier.

2nd grader: I bet my legs are hairier than yours.

Me: [trying to mentally compare the length of a 2nd grader’s leg hair to my winter garden of hair]: I don’t know.

2nd grader: I have a really hairy back, too.



Kindergartener: Hi, what’s your name?

Me: Hi.  My name is Miss Darling.

Kindergartener: Oh.  I thought it was Mrs Lab Rat.

You can tell a lot about a city by its craigslist


This is the kind of thing posted on craigslist in Utah (the sad part is, I believe it):

My mom won’t let me masturbate!

” just got home from a mission a while ago. I didn’t leave until I was 23 and did it to make my parents happy, but anyway a few weeks ago my mom caught me masturbating when I thought I was home alone and she went bat shit crazy. She took the door off my room and times my showers and is constantly texting me scriptures and does everything possible so that I don’t have alone time. So, needless to say it is quite difficult to pleasure myself now.
I would just move out, but they are holding paying for tuition and money in general over my head.
I don’t know if this belongs in casual encounters instead, but I am looking for friends who have a private space that they wouldn’t mind letting me use every once and a while so I don’t go crazy. Also, it would be nice just to have someone to talk to about it as well.
I probably just need alone time at first, but I have also considered mutual masturbation where we just watch each other, but don’t touch at all so we don’t have to feel guilty or anything. It seems like it would be fun to do that with someone or with them and their roommates. Please let me know if you can help.”



Proverbs 31:10


Since I left my bible (and my heart…JUST KIDDING) in San Diego, I had to turn to the internet to figure this one out.

All the ladies in Apt 17 received fake roses with a tag that read simply Happy Valentine’s! Proverbs 31:10.

I love a good mystery.

For those of you who don’t have this verse memorized:

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.”

Oh.  What an interesting way to wish someone a happy valentine’s day.  I’m wondering if a woman’s value in precious gems decreases as her number of sex partners increases.  I’m no ruby, but am I maybe an emerald?  A sapphire?  Perhaps topaz?

The art of trying


In Provo all the girls know how to try.  Especially on Sundays.  There are curls, perfectly well-thought-out outfits, lipstick for days, even heels.

I gave up trying when I realized my mom couldn’t do my hair forever.  Now I have two hairstyles.  The first is called Down.  It’s when I wash my hair and then let it dry.  The second is called Side-Braid.  I use it when my hair needs to be put away and think about what it’s done.

I like my hair parted straight down the middle, like Moses parted the Red Sea.  It makes me feel sort of 70s, and like I have an excuse to feel ugly.

Who doesn’t love a good classroom fart?


I know I do.  But not the suffocating, stinky WHO THE HELL IS THAT kind.  It’s got to be a disruptive, noisy one that will leave you and the people around you giggling.  If you’re thinking it was me, it wasn’t.  It was one of my second grade boys.  There were only two of them today and after telling me who their valentines were, they pinky swore me to secrecy.  “If you open your mouth, I’ll tell everyone your secrets.  And believe me, I know ’em.” one of them said in a disturbing way.  I zipped my mouth shut, locked it, and threw away the key.  One of them told this joke: “Why did the chicken cross the road?…To drink his SODA! SODA! SODA!” which made them both laugh, which made the other one fart, which made all of us laugh.

Well, pink eye is going around school like a zombie virus.  There are those among us who are infected.  I could already be infected, and not even know it yet!  Tomorrow I might wake up with my eye gooped shut and that is my worst nightmare!  The only way to stay pure is by NOT TOUCHING YOUR FACE.  Which is incredibly challenging when you know you are not supposed to do that very thing. 

I saw a few pink eyes in my vicinity today and I wanted to say  Excuse me, could you NOT please?  I have two open eyes over here and I would prefer not to expose them to your contagious goopy goo.  [Not you, Sally, I know you only came back for like 10 minutes to correct your math papers because you are a good person even if your eye has been taken over by poo particles.]

In unrelated news, I might want a T-shirt that says “My make out buddy would rather be bowling.” because of related situations.

And how many times can you go to Taco Bell in one week before you need an intervention?

Figure Modeling


I was directed into a similar position as last time (weight on one leg, mostly straight, with the other slightly bent, and my hands clasped behind my back).  Only this time, they had me look at the wall.  Right into the eyes of the clock.  So that I could see how slow time could be.

For every 20 minutes of being a statue, I got 5 minutes of freedom.

The first 20 were gruesome.  After that it was still not pleasant, but I began to get creative with ways to entertain myself.  Standing still for 2 hours is extremely boring!  If you are going to figure model, you need to come with an abundance of thinking material.

I had several strategies.

I made up stories and personalities for the artists:

First was Jill, a smack-in-the-middle-of-her-50s woman with short blonde hair. I started to hate Jill as she continuously left the room, taunting me with her freedom of movement.  She wasn’t too impressed with me, either, I don’t think, because she left half way through.

Next to Jill was Patrick, a 20-something young blonde.  From Utah (and never having left), he is content to live in his parents basement while working full time at Target.  In his spare time, Patrick loves playing basketball.  And when he’s not playing video games with her (often), Patrick is having sexy times (not so often) with his 2 year girlfriend, whom he met on the internet.  Sh is a great lover of cats and role play.

Then there was Steve, a middle-aged bachelor with a dad-style fashion.  He wore sunglasses, a mustache, big white dad-sneakers (velcro) and dad jeans.  Steve lives in an apartment alone.  He’s been bored with his after work tv dinner routine and saw a flyer for the art class.  At least there will be naked chicks, he thought.

Brock lives at the studio and plans his great escape from Utah with all the passion and ambition of an evil mastermind scheming the world’s end.  He is extremely bitter towards Mormons and everything Utah.  He is also good at art.  Probably the best in the class, and he knows it.  He is in charge of recruiting the naked models, which is both a curse and a blessing.

Emily was the 20-something blonde girl. She was too boring to make up a story about, so I skipped her.

Trevor was a dark haired fellow in a leather jacket.  He spent the first break napping in a chair with his arms folded.  Trevor works nights and was exhausted.  After the second break, he didn’t come back and remained napping through the wonder of my naked body until the very end.

Every time I accidentally caught the eyes of an artist, it gave me that awkward feeling like when you meet eyes with your hairdresser in the mirror accidentally, or your dentist–while they’re in your mouth.

My next strategy was singing camp songs.  Thank you Girl Scout camp for all the memorable ones.  My mental solo included such hits as We Call it Fun, Spider’s Web, Snap Crackle Pop, Old Lady Leery, What Can Make a Hippopotamus Smile, and Fred the Moose.

I also worked extensively with numbers.  I started at 591 and counted backwards by 3’s.  I went through all my times tables.  I just plain counted.

My compensation for the class will probably feed me Taco Bell for an entire week, so I guess it was kind of worth it.

**Disclaimer to my mother and other paranoid and disapproving readers:  There were no camera phones present and no pictures were taken.  The only evidence that exists from this little adventure is a few sketches that vaguely capture my likeness, and it was hardly more scandalous than what Jack and Rose did in Titanic. Fairly certain my future is not ruined, but we’ll see.

Adventures with Allenn


[Allenn is the couple name for my sister, Ally, and her boyfriend, Glenn.  They came to visit me last weekend.]

On Saturday evening I met Ally and Glenn in the parking lot of my building.  The plan was to grab dinner in Salt Lake City and go to a piano show at a bar afterwards.

Somewhere along her travels, Ally had lost the back to one of her earrings.  And a mission was born: to find an appropriate substitute.  It started out with gum.  A chewed-up, rolled-in-a-ball piece of ABC gum stuck behind her plastic red earring.  Besides the earrings, I was fairly impressed with her outfit that night (because of her questionable fashion tendency to impersonate an 80s mom, as of late.)

We took the train into SLC.  It was an adventurous kind of night so we decided to try Ethiopian food.  [What happened was this: Glenn suggested Ethiopian food, Ally said yes, I said ok, and then we got off the train and Glenn led us (pointlessly) around the block until we found the place, a foot from where we started.]

Inside the restaurant, Ally bought a new earring back in the form of half a yellow Mike N Ike from a 25cent machine.  What a steal.  It would last her the rest of the trip.

It was a busy night at the restaurant with only one server.  We let our stomachs eat away at themselves and our hunger killed any possibility of conversation.  We imagined how chatty the Donner party must have been (not very) while we waited for our food.

Finally, it came–small piles of brightly colored goops served on a round, spongy flatbread called injera.  The injera was tangy and sour smelling and clammy and someone happened to mention its likeness to human skin.  How delightful.  It was delicious on an empty stomach, and then not really okay for me on a less-hungry stomach.  (Which is probably how some people, like members of the Donner party, felt about actual human flesh).

After we paid for cannibalizing we made our way to the main attraction of the night, which was a piano show at a bar called the Tavernacle.  The Tavernacle had birthday goers on our left (I made a new non-Mormon friend!) and Mormons on our right (they were drinking water and discussing musical interests, like Eminem).  The pianists were fabulous and funny and made birthday girls in short dresses dance to Head-Shoulders-Knees-and-Toes and Head-Shoulders-Boobs-and-Butt on top of the piano.

There were quite a few dancing birthday girls.  And then one of the pianists called up Taylor. We were all expecting another 20something with curls and sequins, but up waltzed a large bald man in a kilt and crocs with socks.  He put one leg up on the piano bench and stared enticingly into the eyes of our pianist.  A drunk woman next to us ran over and, like she was on a mechanic’s creeper, slid herself beneath our friend Taylor’s kilt and looked boldly up into the heavens.

Unfortunately, because of our long and tiresome public transportation journey, we were only able to spend about an hour in the actual bar.  On the way to catch our train we had a group jog and barely made it.  Then Allenn fell asleep on the next one, leaving me to third wheel in the world of consciousness and watch the drool drip from their sandman lips.
